Sunday, May 13, 2007

I've arrived!

After a little over 24 hours in transit, I made it to Seattle. My backpack decided on the scenic route, taking a little extra time to see the sights in Auckland before heading up via LA. It eventually made it to my hostel in Seattle about 18 hours late. This was actually fortunate as it temporarily legitimised my decision to wear the same underwear for the entire trip. I've already had a couple of revelations about the US. American people are fat. I'd guess on average about 10kg heavier than Ausralians. The reason for their fatness was demonstrated during my first trip to Subway. The girl in front of me requested 3 different sauces and received literally five (australian sized) servings of each. In the end the whole sub was just a giant pool of brown. At least she got a diet soft drink. American Currency is worsto. Having to tip, add sales tax and then pay for it all with one dollar bills is a nightmare. At one point i used a $20 note to buy something which was just over $5 and recieved 6 notes and a pile of coins in change. Take a few seconds to give thanks for gold coins. I'm relaxing in Seattle for the next few days (taking advantage of the free wifi) then heading off on a 14 day camping tour of the North-West. Cheers, WesC :) ps. My phones seem incompatible with the US network so if anything important happens (like someone close to you giving birth) you'll have to let me know via email.


Chris V said...

I came to the conclusion that Americans are fat partly because of large portion size, but mostly because of the amount of sweet drinks they drink.

The money's not bad, I didn't mind the $1 notes. Just throw anything less than a quarter in tip jars at every opportunity.

Anonymous said...

you're fat and worsto

abc said...

wesleyc - bringing plagues to a continent near you

Anonymous said...

WesleyC, worst blogger ever!

Anonymous said...

Check out ChrisV's blog if you want to read a blog that actually gets updated!

Mike Doecke said...

Actually doing stuff >>> Blogging about stuff you've already done :)

I'm getting there....

Anonymous said...

I love fat, wobbly Americans.

Actually, and no joke, when I was in the US I put on 10kg. Watch out Wes, or you'll lose you nice, girlish figure.